Google meet | Google meet for pc | google meet for pc download

Google meet for pc download

Here we are discussing about how we can run google meet app on pc, Here i am sowing proper way to download google meet for pc, and this is very easy, when i just surfing on internet and i realize too much peoples having issue and query about how to download google meet for pc and you are here i know you have same query,  so just relax and read this article carefully, and get ready for my bad english but good knowledge article 

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google meet for pc download

Lets start topic - google meet for pc download

Google meet is the googles android application by using this application user can interact with its team members and colleague for meetings through android app and also from desktop, android app way is quite simple because you just have to download google meet app logging in and go.. but when we need to use this android application on our desktop pc or laptop here we face some problems because google not given setup of google meet for windows pc so this part is tricky but very simple.

google meet app download for pc - First method

Download Bluestacks android app player from here - Dowload Bulestack is the best android emulator that can run your all android apps smoothly 
Google meet for windows 10 via bluestack

Afrter downloading blustack android app player you have to login in it by using your gmail id the inter face of bluestack is just like your android smartphone but this is in landscape,
Google meet for windows pc

After login with your gmail id you need to open google play store and download google meet from play store 
download google meet app on windows

After downloading google meet now open app and use.. done.. yoy have successfully downloaded google meet for pc

join meeting in google in pc

Now for joining meeting select join with code and enter your meeting code which looks like that abc-defg-hij    

And if you want wo start new meeting then click on new meeting button

google meet app download for pc - Second method

This method is very simple but peopeles are not aware much from this so i am sharing this simple method with you which blow your mind.

Firstly open your favourite browser and type google meet on search bar, now you find this result which is show following result
how to use google meet app on pc or laptop

done now input your meeting id and join meeting and if you want to create meeting then click on New meeting.. yes its very simple, if you feel this afticle is helpful please share with your friends and also follow this blog for very useful tricks and tips.
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